Thursday, July 05, 2007

Day 3 of Part Two
"The Reckoning"

I reckon it's going to take a whole heap more work before I am done here.
I reckon I better just get used to it.

Canada 0 - Austria 2

It is really sad how we feature ourselves as a world class sports nation when we really can only compete in ice hockey and curling.
For some strange reason I watched the game tonight feeling a loathing for all things soccer and hockey.

We make such a big deal out of ice hockey when in reality it is an eight team tournament.
But soccer is worse. In communities all over the country it is almost cult like in its status as a youth movement. But what a sell job they do. For what?
We have soccer peeople in our program here and they lament all the same things that basketball and volleyball people do:
No money, poor organization, idiots at the NSO/PSO level making decisions that they are unqualified to make.
And we continue to pour money into the hockey hole.
Hockey is a good game, but Canadians are kidding themselves if they thing anybody else in the entire world gives a crap about it.
At least curling manages to pay its own way.
Sport in Canada needs an overhaul or I don't like where we are headed.
Take high school PE classes for example - did you know that your mark in high school PE is based on three criteria?
1. Proper footwear
2. Proper attire
3. Good behaviour
Imagine if we marked Math class or Reading the same way?
We just don't take physical literacy seriously, and we pay for it with obesity, increased disease and medical bills.
Here's some Canadiana "Hockey Style" for ya:
Tom Cochrane - Big League. Oh so Canadian


Maggie May said...

your insights leave me wanting more. Kudos dear blogger.

Og's blog said...

Welcome back to my blogoshpere of influence.