Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Saturday Night at the Movies

William Glasser and me

a little video of an equally non-bhuddist man
Sunday, July 29, 2007
On my walk today I met a cat....

On the sidewalk.
Friday, July 27, 2007
Judy Blume breaks her routine - can you?
Depraved and lewd
You’re caught in a moral crunch
You’re vexed and perplexed
And way oversexed
So - when can we have lunch?
- with thanks to Judy Blume (believe it or not...)
People don't just react when you change a habit or pattern. They tend to over-react.
Cut your hair. Change jobs. Stop providing free rent to a relative.
The reaction is based on what they view from their perspective, and what self interest is affected.
Judy Blume, famous for her many children's stories about growing up, being a Tween, finding things out without being told, got a lot of grief from her fans for writing an adult novel.
The woman in the story, Sandy, grows tired of the dull routine of her life, and the distance in her relationship, and starts giving in to her impulses, following her fantasies.
I can just imagine the reaction when the suburban mom, who grew up on Judy Blume and is now in her forties, picks up the latest Judy Blume novel for her twelve year old daughter.
Like seeing a new Darren on "Bewitched" without any explanation.
Like a new Becky Conner replacing Lecy Goranson with Sarah Chalke.
(insert your own TV trivia here....)
I am sure the reaction is the same any time our friends and family see us doing something they didn't expect - or worse, not doing something they've always expected. Especially without checking it out first. The railing and wailing that follows unapproved changes is done merely to convince us that our decison is a wrong one, and to keep peace we must go back and do what is expected of us - by the very people who are wailing and railing. Behaviour modification by lecturing and shunning.
I am fortunate. I exist in a comfortable personal world where innovation and risk are cautiously encouraged. I would not be doing what I am doing if that were not so.
Others around me are not so lucky. Their attempts to be good, to go along, to acquiesce, are followed closely by chest pains and bouts of heavy drinking.
I see them as the pack mules to somebody else's journey.
Now before you go getting any notions about my reading habits, remember i taught Elementary school for eight years. I became well acquainted with Judy Blume as a result. And no, I have not read her adult novel, nor do I have the intention to do so. I do applaud her willingness to step outside and follow her impulse.
"What a strange machine man is! You fill him with bread, wine, fish, and radishes, and out comes sighs, laughter, and dreams."
Nikos Kazantzakis (1885-1957), Greek novelist.
The message here, folks, is if you are not laughing, if you've stopped dreaming, you are not really living.
I like this one as well:
"Creative minds have been known to survive any sort of bad training."
Anna Freud, The Ego and the Mechanisms of Defense, 1946.
Music time
Right on theme: A very classy version of "Dreams" by the Corrs, featuring Mick Fleetwood.
Mick is no Carimine Appice, but he is a quality drummer with a distinctive sound.
Steve Earle's "Galway Girl"
her hair was black and her eyes were blue....
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
- Bill Simmons, ESPN Page 2
People who know me well know how delighted i am at this very moment.
Well, not delighted, more like righteously justified.
After the NBA ref scandal hit I now wonder how many games are (and have been) fixed.
this one?
this one?
or this one?
and on and on it goes.
How long until we hear the truth about Michael Jordan's associations with known gamblers and mobsters?
the point is simple - once one event in the league is suspect it immediately brings into question every other suspicious outcome. and not just for this year.
A fisherman friend of my dad once told me he didn't watch professional sports because every game is fixed.
He watched Wrestling. it was fixed, too, but they didn't pretend it wasn't, and he found that ironic honesty rather refreshing.
go figure
Time for a real man to stand up!
Tom Waits: Goin' Out West
You ever listen to lyrics of this tune? Hilarious!
night night
Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Sunday, July 22, 2007
Friday, July 20, 2007
Now for most people - and by most I mean those mildly familiar with one of the people in the above photo - the above picture is a photo of a nice event where a young basketball playing girl from BC meets a less young basketball playing boy from BC.
But for anybody who knows Lex (the girl in the picture for the sports illiterates) this is much much bigger than that.
This is Billy Preston meets the Beatles; this is Stephen Harper meets Bono; this is Wayne Gretzky meets Gordie Howe; this is Lester Pearson meets Churchill; this is Prince meets Stevie Wonder..... you get the picture.
How many of us ever get to meet our heroes?
Who did you admire at age ten? I had three people (outside of my dad,of course. I knew he was stronger than Popeye and he could speak ten languages and advised the government on important matters).
They were, in no particular order:

I only got to meet one of them. I am certain he does not remember it, but I will never forget. In the spring of 1964 I was playing baseball at 10th Avenue Ballpark in Port Alberni when a car rolled up beside the diamond. Out of the car came four men. I had no idea who the other people were, but I knew instantly that Joe Kapp was here to meet us. We stopped the game and I heard Joe say he wanted to meet every one of us.
Both teams got to shake his hand, and he asked lots of good questions like, "What position do you play?", and some insightful ones, too, like "How's your teacher treating you?"
Kapp was a big man, 6'2", about 220 pounds, and he towered over us. Except when he spoke. He took a knee and talked to us at eye level, put his left hand on our shoulders when he shook hands, and made me feel comfortable with my hero and old friend.
I had spent the previous two summers in Courtenay with my grandmother and the Lions practiced just down the hill from where she lived. I rarely took my eyes off him. He was the center of all the action, even when he was watching others.
He assured us that the 1963 season was just a warm up and that the Lions would win the Grey Cup this year - "the Lions will Roar in '64, boys. You count on it." The Lions did win the Cup in 1964. Joe Kapp wouldn't lie to me.
When he was traded to the Boston Patriots he was the highest paid player in the NFL. Sports Illustrated did a cover story on him calling him "The Toughest Chicano."
He taught me that even us little kids were important enough to talk eye to eye with. He taught me that no matter how big you are you never need to talk down to anybody. And "22" is still my favourite number.
The peanut butter he was giving away in little jars was pretty good, too.
I never met the other two of my heroes, but one out of three is good for me. Maybe on a different day i can reflect on why the other two were heroes. I heard somewhere,"An idol is someone you want to be near; a hero is someone you want to be like."
I suspect Lex feels much the same way right now.
Some people think football is a matter of life and death.I don't like that attitude. I can assure them it is much more serious than that.
Bill Shankly, Sunday Times (UK)Oct. 4 1981
Today's musical snack - it's a snap
David Bowie - Heroes
Thursday, July 19, 2007
If you're not careful you can forget all about the thing you were really supposed to do and just allow yourself to be distracted.
example here:
Three minutes & forty seconds of sheer distraction.
Blogworld - give me your energy to keep the car running, keep the head down, keep doing the little jobs that add up to the big job.
This weekend is critical.
Do you believe in ghosts?
Here's one for the cohort:
the White Stripes - Walking with a Ghost
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
No matter how up or down you feel, no matter how alone or crowded, no matter how stressed or relaxed - others around you are in the same state of mind.
it helps to know that others are where you are.
It helps me, at least.
Our "get together" tonight was a valuable insight into the whole issue of togetherness. We spent a whole evening dissecting why we are here. Valuable time spent.
If I don't have a reason to be here then the next thought is a terrifying one, one that I don't want to contemplate.
I'm getting far too existential.
we are going to a lacrosse game on Wednesday.
does it get more concrete than that?
Keane : Is it any Wonder?
Well actually, yes it is.....
ni nigh
Monday, July 16, 2007

So ... i was poking around (nicely) on a myspace page of a close relative today and it hit me - there was a reference to my dear relative being his source of "Rod Stewart vinyl".
It was lkely vinyl that was once in my possession and is now in his.
Since I have no interest in listening to Rod Stewart vinyl anymore it felt rather satisfying to be the conduit of his joy.
I guess things happen for a reason. We just don't always know the reason.
Tonight I got some very good news. I've been waiting about a year for somebody neutral to tell me "yes, you are absolutely correct in your position." Tonight I got that. After ten months of putting up with BS, i got the word today that the other guy was 100% wrong.
Goddang it fells good to say "I told you so."
i am going to enjoy the hell out of the contorted apology i am going to slowly drag out of him.
At one point in my life i might have been more forgiving, more understanding.
Not now.
Now it is fair for fair, pain for pain.
Is that understandable?
God knows it is simple philosophy.
It is karmic reality.
I donate some vinyl.
somebody else gets to benefit from it monetarily and a third person gets to listen to it and benefit environmentally (or aesthetically to be more precise).
Tonight I believe in ghosts - some watching over us, some just watching.
Rod Stewart- "Morning Dew"
From the album Jeff Beck Group - Truth
Damned fine vocals - great front man in those days.
Does anybody listen to these songs I load up?
just wonderin'
sleep right, dream tight
we have 200 couches.....
Sunday, July 15, 2007
I have to admit I do not sleep as well in the valley as I do on the coast.
The valley air is stifling and hot and (I am sure) full of nitrogen by-products.
the best part of the weekend away had to be the monster visit with grandson extraodinaire.
Pancakes were really good, too.
Biggest uuups to the new Cosby Connection - even if pops referred to it as Crosby... Chalk it up to nerves.
Talk about a happy couple and a proud circle of friends. What a memory it was just to be a part of it.
Good Luck PG in your upcoming music festival.
I hope it brings fun and Sales to town.

Especially at Meow records - 3rd & Brunswick.

This massive link will take you to a song by the Cottonweeds : Railroad Bill
Not my kind of stuff, necessarily, but I really dig the honesty of these guys' work.
Back to the grind.
six weeks to go......
Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Friday, July 06, 2007

Thank your stars, Leo fans, that Edmonton has the boat anchor as Offensive Coordinator, and he is no longer dragging down the Lions.
I love it when the stars line up and the teams I detest also have the players I hate. In some way it is even better than the players I like on the team I like.
Derek Jeter on the Yankees. Kobe Bryant on the Lakers.
Jacques Chapdelaine is not a player anymore, not since he dropped what would have been a Grey Cup winning pass for BC when he had the chance. But BC won in spite of him, and now that he is at Edmonton, well., it couldn't be better.
On the flip side the Sonics hire PJ Carlesimo
I may never cheer for the Sonics again.But = Dave Ritchie is a genius.
I'm going to be in a good mood for a week!
Celebrate all the Rats in Sports:
The Walkmen: the Rat
Don't you just love the work the drummer does in this vid????
Thursday, July 05, 2007

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Tuesday, July 03, 2007
It's summer again and here I am!
Actually not here:

But here:

In a year:
- Li'l J has learned to walk and talk (we always communicated with signals and ESP but he seems to rely more on the spoken word now. sellout.)
- B-dis has her store up and running and leading the revival of downtown PG
- B-don is Senior Associate and has the ear of the PM (so they say)
- M-got has gone back to paving the way for the new recruits
- More good friends have retired
- I got an MRI in my Slip-n-fall case that says I have the knee of a 75 year old man. Man, I hope he doesn't want it back soon. I'm going to need it for a while yet.
- The Cos is getting hitched.
Send me your thoughts over the past year
Finally -
the pros and cons on Day One of Part Two:
- The room is painted
- I got dropped off so I don't have to park the car
- I had great company all the way here
- Only one more semester to go
- No TV
- It is essentially the same room as last year with a new BO smell
- No car ("I know a place where no cars go...") Us kids know.
- My company left me alone
- Another semester left to go
- no TV
The beach at Cadboro was beautiful - as usual.
About two dozen sailboats tacking in the wind. Four chain smoking Granville Island Can drinking 22-25 year olds lurking and ogling three 30ish women in swim suits until the women left. the boys did soon after, but they did at least pick up their cans and put them in the trash. Victoria layabouts are greener than most.
Two seagulls wandering the beach yelling like hell at nobody.
Cell phone works.
Internet works - obviously.
How about Arcade Fire:
"No Cars Go"
sleep tight
Big day tomorrow