Sunday, September 09, 2007

TKR - Total Knee Replacement

Question: What Does my body have in common with Billy Idol's Jacket?

Answer: They are both covered in zippers.

Crikey, (as Billy would no doubt exclaim) I am a technological walking miracle.

Working from the bottom up -
L ankle ligament repair
L achilles tendon rupture repair
R achillies tendon rupture repair
R achilles tendon graft from material taken from inside the R gastrocnemeus
R Knee cartilege and meniscus repair arthroscopy

And now i go see a specialist about TKR - total knee replacement.

i have to admit it is more than a bit scary.

But if it means i can return to a level of activity I am used to - then hurray.

In the meantime I would try and pray about it - but that involves kneeling, and that involves knees - so maybe, dear reader, that is something you can do for me instead.

But seriously - does this look like something you would want?


Feeling nostalgic tonight.....
Here's a curious nugget, a blast from the past.

Dusty Springfield: All I See is You"
"I tried so hard all summer through
Not to think too much of you...."
corny, hey, but great pipes!

and as an antidote: Billy Idol : "Dancing With Myself"
"Let's sink another drink
It'll give us time to think..."



Maggie May said...

gross - not looking forward to that - thanks for the bad knees old man.

Og's blog said...

i don't know why I torture myself like this....