The pleasure of routine following long hours of concentration.
Domestic Bliss!
Here is a great shot of the three kitchen wenches I had in my residence looking after me and attending to my needs.
The big fellow in the foreground was my personal training guru - he gave incredible backrubs - no happy endings! - all on the up and up , so to speak.
In the background is the head chef who looked after all my nutritonal requirements and helped sculpt me to become the Adonis i now am.
Here is a shot of me performing my "Shake Until Invisible" routine.
You have to see it to believe it.
At the point of this photo I am exactly eleven seconds from disappearing from sight all together. You can see part of my arm is beginning to fade already.
I reappeared on the other side of the room. Tru story.
In the middle is the cleaning lady we let in to the gathering on the condition she cleaned up after us. Just being in our presence gave her a thrill.
All the marks are in - all that is left is the completion of the project, and it is heading in the right direction.
i need diversion and more exercise.
Where my trainer?
Where my b*tches???
Go Canada! Rugby on the Weekend, don't you know????
Let's hope they have their "Moments"
Emerson Drive: "Moments"
And: In honour of my incredible act:
Radiohead: "How to Disappear Completely"
dad, did all your time on the island turn you into a hippie? i sure hope not...
when was I not a hippie?
Have you nott been paying any atention?
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