Sunday, August 26, 2007

Just how important are you?

Ever start to feel more important than you really are?
i do.
I seem to be doing it more and more.
i can make a difference, this thing is really important, people's lives will change because of this thing I am doing, thinking, creating.....blah blah bla

Then I look at the map above and it all comes back into perspective.

I take some solace in the knowledge that I can make a difference to the people immediately around me, the ones I can contact with a simple gesture, uplift with a word of encouragement, console with a heartfelt hug.
Don't misunderstand me - I am still very, very tiny in the overall scheme of things.
But if i make the people around me bigger, do I not also grow?

"Wish I knew what you were looking for
Might have known what you would find...."

The Church : "Under the Milky Way"

never - ever - pass up a chance to view the celestial.
the shooting star you choose to ignore may have been the one to change your life.
and so soon it fades...
and is gone....

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