Quiet night.
Saw a chewed off chunk of a rabbit's foot on the steps of the Bookstore today.
Didn't seem lucky to me...
Light rain earlier, clear and fresh tonight, the air punctuated by pungent tobacco from the s/s cru huddled around the front planter and the sound of a mother and father arguing in a foreign Slavic tongue while their son? pulls his luggage drearily ahead. Checking in to residence, no doubt. Big move for the family, no doubt.
Son carries the weight of his father's expectations in his shoulders, his mother's hopes on his back.
It made me wonder how much of that emotion I felt as a parent watching my spouse "allow" my children to go off to school in a far away place....
Did i argue picky stupid details? (probably) Did my spouse feel the same way? (of course)
Did my children understand the emotion involved? (probably not. It's one of those things that you just don't understand until you've been through it yourself.)
Halfway through the first set of courses and you can see the tension in the faces of the students as the homework mounts.
I need a helper like the one above.
Send names and numbers to the Blog.
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