Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Meet you on the roof

Addendum to previous post:
10:12 pm
My smoker / spitters are back and now they are on the roof below me.
I suspect it is not just to listen in on the Modest Mouse cd i'm playing.
Four young males on the roof are trying to convince the girls in the rooms on the second floor attached to the roof to come out with them.
I get the impression it is too cold out for the ladies - about 12 degrees as I write this, with a gentle breeze enhancing the Canadian experience.

But the s/s crew are trying their best.

Now they're standing right below my window and passing a doob.
and coughing.
a lot of coughing.
It's all i can do not to dump water on them.
The s/s cru certainly gives me subject matter for the blog.

The ladies have not taken the bait.
i have discovered how the s/s cru got on the roof.
They exited through a friends window below me.
The ladies are a few windows away, remaining virtuous.
Or perhaps selective.

the roof is abandoned.
all that remains is litter.
symbolism is all around us.


No Earthquake today!
the shock was no aftershock.
The Drifters "Up on the Roof"

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