Thursday, August 17, 2006
I am going home tomorrow.
Grand Funk - "I'm Your Captain / Closer to My Home"
No video for this one, but the song is just the best song i could think of for going home.
Reminds me of driving with the boys and listening to the 8-track.
Actually the quality of this vid sounds like an old 8-track.
"I'm getting closer to my home....."
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
All done?
as happy as a dog coming home from the kennel?
That's me for sure!
Happy music
Allman Brothers - "Jessica" live
Dickie Betts is awesome
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
summer payday #3
Clapton - Beck - Page
Does it get any more summer than this?
I have finished all my papers and my manuals and my journals - except for tomorrow's entry!
Off to the printer for my $500.00 printing bill.....
(smiling as he leaves the cell....)
Monday, August 14, 2006
So here I am in my room revising my entire project (see me on the left) talking on the phone to home base last night and after I hung up I suddenly realize you folks in blog land have no idea what my cohort looks like or is all about.
So this is what I did. I asked folks here to give me two words to describe the last week of school. then I snapped off a few arty pictures to give you an idea visually as well.
the first phrase was from a Volleyball coach who said. "Anxiously hopeful"
Here she is :
We're giving her a lot of room this week.
The next description was from the guys in Cohort 2 who are finishing this week but have their exams on Friday. Here's one of them in action:
the third phrase was "uneasy peace.
Two of our brighter coaches were seen with that phrase written all over them. talk about body language. You can see why they are getting top marks in Skill Acquisition. Here is a shot of them getting the nerve up to ask if they can share notes. They are so smart it's cool.
The Swim coach couldn't think of Two words. All we got out of her was "booze."
She's like that.
We try and respect her individuality.
Then there is us - the boys in Cohort 1 who do not have to write finals until Next Year.
Here we are below.
As fine a collection of leaders as you will find anywhere and a tribute to the quality of candidate selection in the Master's Program here at the "little college overseas".
Our two words are "Give 'er"
It's now our motto.
(That's me sporting the new facial hair.
Kids at school are going to really love my new look
Music in theme
Foghat - "Slow Ride"
possibly the worst video ever made, but that song!
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Sunday - My last Sunday here this summer.
The work of the daily grind has been eased by the background sound of the Icelandic boys known as Sigur Ros.
Great mood music to work or daydream (or, in my case, a little of both)
Time again to open the mailbag.
Here is a reader who wanted to respond to the general tone of one of the earlier blogs:
"Know that things will change. One day is not like the next. You must learn to be confident and comfortable in being yourself from day to day. Unless you are an a**h*le that is the message of the day from the mind of lonely synapses"
Thanks dear reader. couldn't have said it better myself.
B-dis : thanks for the Radio Tribute - Back at ya
Sigur Ros "Saeglopur"
Saturday, August 12, 2006
I can't believe how quickly the last day approaches.
Don't misunderstand, I am excited to be going home.
But I think it is a good sign that I am leaving UVic with a tinge of sadness.
The people in the program have been the difference.
here's little distraction:
Music tonight
My Morning Jacket "Mahgeetah (It Still Moves)"
feeling more than a little melancholy... the video attached is more than a little dopey
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Atta boy Buck!
A nice night to have 3 interceptions is the night your defence is in top form.
Bucky did enough to win - all you really expect from a back up QB.
I find myself delaying and procrastinating and avoiding my last two assignments. Why?
I need to Get ' er done!
I need to follow the FUBAR Filosofy and "Just Give 'er".
But for some reason here I sit typing a meaningless blog instead.
It's tragic.
Musical Inspiration is what I need.
How about some old music to make me feel young and energetic!?!?
Replacements - "Bastards of Young"
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
I learned a new word today. (You will, too, if you keep reading)
That should not come as a complete surprise. I am at a University and I admit I do not know everything.
But here is the word, and tell me if you've heard it before: Januform.
What's it mean?
Here's a hint:
Here's another:
Got it yet?
Here's another hint -
Did that help ? Getting Warmer?
How about this one:
Or this one?
You won't lkely find it in the dictionary and Wikipedia lists the word without a definition.
It is a word that defines the (growing) anti-social behaviour and approach modelled by high profile athletes whose values run contrary to what sports advocates purport are the highest reasons to promote sport as a societal building block and a source of community pride.
It is anti-hero, it is cheater, it is spoiled brat, it is graceless and thankless and self-centred and self-serving.
I like it.
It's a good word, only because it defines something that has yet to be labelled.
It's no "santorum" yet, but it might be one day.
How about some music?
The Thin White Duke?
Nothing januformic there.
David Bowie - "Heroes" featuring Brian May and Mick Ronson
night night
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
This is what the skies over Victoria looked like on Saturday morning.
I can't get used to contrails, even though I know what they are, and i know how they are made. It's that tiny bit of doubt in my head about what they MIGHT be made of that bothers me. Silly hey?
Tonight I was on the roof of a downtown restaurant playing sand volleyball. the focus was fun and we remained in focus all evening. Pretty good for bunch of driven type "A" sorts.
Jocks get a bad rap from too many directions. Here is a tiny example of what most jocks are really like. Thirteen of us were there playing four on four with five waiting to sub in at a time. A young (19) man visiting from Japan stood off to the side and watched us for about ten minutes. We noticed himand on the next sub several of the people on the side offered to let him take their spot. He joined us for the evening and had a nice time - he was an okay player, nothing special. Nobody made a single fuss about him. He wanted to play - he was included. nice.
US Sailors are in town tonight - everywhere. Victoria seems to be treating them very kindly.
They truly float on...
Music anyone?
Modest mouse - "Float On"
the song completely cracks me up, and we''ll all float on in the contrails.
Monday, August 07, 2006
I googled "Race to the Finish and got two interesting images.
The first one is:
It's kind of what you would expect to see.
the other one that hit me was this one:
Aaah the unintentional comedy.
A bold gold cross surrounded by NASCAR checkered flags and the words in bright red letters - "Finish the Race"
Now I am certain it is not a plea from the KKK but it sure Could be.
Regardless - after a weekend of family visits (unfortunately in two different locations)
I am preparing for the week ahead thusly:
love to all
10 more days....
Some musical advice for all of us in the Race to the Finish:
The Raconteurs: "Steady as She Goes"
Friday, August 04, 2006
b-don said...
The stated goal of the Taliban and Al Queda leadership is an Islamic Caliphate stretching from Spain to Baghdad. So next time I hear any "activist" shrieking about Imperialism, I may just throw up.Anyones response to what is going on, especially in Afghanistan, is going to be shaped by their knowledge of the realities in that region. The Pakistan/Afghan border is the seat of global terrorism. If we allow (we in the global sense) the Taliban to resurface, it will mean more attacks and more innocent deaths. Unlike Iraq, Afghanistan really is a "fight them there, or fight them here" situation. As to the effect of the Iraq war on the college-aged population in the US, I'm guessing its minimal. Unlike in Vietnam, the US now has a volunteer army, making most kids chances of getting blown up in Kirkuk pretty slim. Outside of the protest anything and everything US set (led of course by the ever diminishing Noam Chomsky), most kids are more concerned about whats going to happen on the OC.Me? I just don't like Facism and, unlike most, I can properly identify it. The US is not a Fascist, Imperialist State. Anyone making that charge should be forced to live in one for even a day.I've heard the movie is good though.
b-dis said...
terrorists are like, bad and stuff?
On the night the Lions honour the great '64 Lions led by the inimitable Joe Kapp they win big. I wonder if this is why I always like #22?
song for tonight: (staying in theme...)
Sam Cooke covers "Blowin' in the Wind"
Thursday, August 03, 2006
Who You Are is What You Were When.
We all have events in our lives that cumulatively shape us.
Some of them are very local, some regional, some global. What does that have to do with ANYTHING?
I have a point that I intend to make, but the inspiration for this comes from a documentary i watched last evening that I know will not be on the Rumsfeld Christmas Stocking Stuffer list for 2006.
"Sir, No Sir" is a powerful journey into the real story behind the GI revolt of the Viet Nam War.
I was six years old when the Americans started "advising" in Indochina as the area was known back then. It meant nothing to me.
By the time I was six I had a few good memories already shaping me - swimming a Roger's Creek with my sisters, Creme Soda at Grandma's house, building my first nail gun with the older boys on the street helping me.
I had a few odd memories - watching my older brother climb through our shared bedroom window at about 4 am, finding out I could move the panel van by repeatedly pressing the starter button, watching a young man on the way home from school change records on his front porch ith his feet (he was a victim of thalidamide).
I even had a few creepy ones - seeing the man next door on Beaver Creek chop the head off a chicken just as the kids were getting off the bus in front of his house, or feeling incredibly conflicted and squeamish when a particular uncle or aunt wanted to kiss me.
We all have memories.
And we are all shaped by memories.
But i wondered while watching the movie if the fifteen year old of today will be as affected by Iraq or Afghanistan as I was by Viet Nam.
The protest movement taught me that it was okay to oppose authority and ask hard questions. (that belief has not always helped me I must admit)
The protest movement shaped our thinking, our music, our art, our politics.
Coffee Houses, so important to the GI, became the social gathering place for free thinking and (at times) tolerable music. My sister invited me to come. And no, that is not a picture of me and my friends at the New West Coffee House in 1970. (it's not Barry Maguire, either)
Hear Barry Maguire's
"Eve of Destruction."
Would I be the who I seem to have become had i not lived in Canada during the time of the Viet Nam War? Of course not.
And this is not a trippy tale about how cool the Baby boomers are or were or whatever....
It's simply a question about the effect on our teen generation of the latest war that the neighbours to the south, and to a certain extent Canada, are now involved in. Did the Russian kids who lived through their Afghanistan learn to question their leaders? How did Afghanistan affect them?
Odd to think that if the Russians couldn't bring about change to that part of the world who are we to think we can? Has Canada stopped peace keeping and started peace making?
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Tired but pushing on!
We will be debating "Body Checking" for 9-10 year olds in the Saskatchewan Minor Hockey Association.
I am on the "Pro" team on behalf of the SHA. i wonder if this guy would take my call. I might need a little back up and I have a pretty good idea I know where he stands, "and evrythink, boy".
Cool Breeze all day - very pleasant.
Must sleep.
Tell me the noise outside will not continue?
Tonight's music
not my favourite of their music, but appropriate for the night
"Goodnight, goodnight" - Hot Hot Heat, from Victoria, of course...